

Ghost Hunters Apps for Iphones and Ipad

So, I wasn't going to talk about this because I don't know how much "stock" I put in it.  But in today's world of technology I guess just about anything is possible.  So lets talk Ghost Apps for Iphones.

The other day I was just goofing off and found this app for your Iphone.  There are several apps for ghost hunting but I read and read reviews to try and find out which one was the best.  So, the one I found with the most reviews and the best reviews was the Ghost Hunter M2.  It is a little "dorky" because when you first turn it on, it plays cheesy thunder and lightening sounds...but oh well.

I think it cost $ .99  but to me it is way worth the  $.99 in entrainment.  Ok.  Here is my brief encounter with the M2 so far...

The very first day I downloaded it at work. I didn't really know how to use it.  But it looked fun and interesting.  I went home and was just sitting in the living room and decided to turn it on..  So, I turned it on and just put it on the chair and continued just to relax and watch tv.  Nothing was happening...the radar was going around and around but no "blimp" on it at all and no words where showing.  After about 30 mins all the sudden... the radar starts going off and there was a little blue light on the radar.  I thought...huummmm interesting....and then....(because it has sound) it said "Rebecca" and the word "Rebecca" shows up on the screen!!!  NO WAY!!!  Now...... I wish I could say that being a Ghost Hunter that I thought this was way cool....but the truth is...... I thought "What the ???????"  It scared the crap out of me! lol  I know, I know, I am suppose to lie and say it didn't but it DID!!!!

Now, I don't know if everyone knows this but Becky(my name) is short for Rebecca!!! Oh, NOW I have your  I didn't really know what to I did the bravest thing I could think of...........I TURNED IT OFF!!!!! How could it know my name??? It couldn't be retrieving names from your phones account because my cell phone is in Becky.  huuummm

But that's not all of gets better...  So, I didn't think anything else about the app and later just went on to bed.  I'm not sure what time it was....but if I were guessing it was about 2 or 3am that morning and I was awaken by my phone going off with that "blimping" sound.  I, of course just waking up from a dead sleep was like.....what is that?????? I picked up my phone and INSTANTLY could see the M2 radar with a red dot on the radar(meaning STRONG presence). Well, I just thought...."oh that darn little app" and turned it off and went back to sleep.  Again, I was already asleep or I would have thought more of it.  Not even realizing that I had turned it off earlier that day.

For those of you who have Iphones, you know that if you have a password on your phone you can not get into your phone or your apps until you physically punch in your password and THEN you have to touch the app you want to open..... 

So, the next morning I got to thinking about it, and there just is know way possible I could have picked up my phone and INSTANTLY saw that RADAR.  I would have had to enter my password and THEN go into the app itself!  And when I picked up my phone the radar was already up!!!   I don't really know what to think about this little app but when I went to Galveston to met Britt from Ghost Hunters International almost everyone there had this app.  But there where a lot of people that had never been on an investigation before so they could just be downloading anything.

I have included a link below that talks about the app and explains how to use it.  I thought it was good so I wanted to share it with you, so that it would give you a better understanding of what I was looking at and hearing.

I would love to know if anyone else has used or heard of this app.  If you have please tell me about your experience so I won't feel so crazy.

I have not used this app in a real investigation but I plan on giving it a try.  If nothing else, just to

Sorry this is sooooo long, but it is hard to write about experiences and try to give you all the details.  I will say that since then, I have just turned it on a time or two and it does through out random words.  But I guess, to me anyway, Rebecca is a pretty WEIRD word to through out there!  What do you think?


  1. I think you should delete that thing off your phone! Signed, "Your Mother"

  2. My son got the Ipad4 for Christmas and we came acorss an app ( as you said some were terribly cheesy "coven" "fear" "run" preprogrammed crap)
    but this one called ghost detect radar is very random.. i turned it on it said nothing for 45 min.. i went to get the dog water it said "sink" lol thought ok thats random.. then i said you have to tell me something about myself is said "German" ok also right but odd.. then a commercial for the Army came on and my nephew is the only person in the military we kn ow it said " Alaska" wich is where he is right now.. coincedences sure were right on the money.. now dad is all paranormnal junky.. its so interesting lol

  3. Wow! That is very interesting. I like that you ask it to say something about yourself....and your right..."German" is not a common word to through out. I am still not sold on these apps but they are intertaining... and part of me does not see why a spirit could not communicate through your phone the same way it would work on a spirit box. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  4. I've used it often all over the country. Most often it seems pretty random, but I've had some very interesting results with it in two locations which were known to be haunted that lead me to think that there might be something to the app. In fact at the second location the strong readings and interactive responses really amazed me. I'm interested in trying it more in other reputedly haunted locations to see what results I get. Any updates on it?

  5. Cowboypress,

    They have made a couple of improvements to the app. Mostly just fixing bugs. Seems like they did an improvement on the EVP sound and audio. Again, not sure how much I read into this app but it is fun and at sometimes...VERY interesting!!! I am a little courteous about the New TAPS app. though. I haven't purchased it yet, still not SOLD on the TAPS/Taps Advanced Paranormal System. The reviews are not that great and it does cost $4.99. Do you know anything about this app? I LOVE Jason and Grant from the Ghost Hunters show and Jason Hawes is suppose to be part inventor of the app so I would hope it would be a "reliable" app to try or use.

  6. If you have android device, you can found the application named Ghostivity in Play Store. The new best Ghost Detector for Android, beside very accurate, also it have magnetic shock detector which another application doesn't have it. Just cost $0.99, You can give it a try :)

  7. I've gotten tons of intelligent responses using the EVP part of the app. I tend to disregard the radar and the EMF detector. My brother recently passed away unexpectedly and consequently many strange things have been happening to me and my family (strange lights, electronics acting up). Sometimes it just says random words, particularly if you aren't asking questions. However, I've had quite a few sessions in which the answers directly related to my questions. Its easy to relate single words to something significant in your life so what I do is ask direct questions that either are "yes or"no" or "correct" and questions that involve describing things. One example, I asked "can you see me?" reply:"correct", so I pulled out a 20 dollar bill and pointed to Jackson and said "Who is this" reply: "Leader". I also noticed that most of the time the sequence of words seems random but remember becausee of impatience we tend to ask multiple questions in a few minutes, it may take some time for spirits to manipulate the word bank, so pay attention to what you ask and if you look back at all the words you can connect multiple answers into sentences that could make sense. I've even written questions down on a piece of paper asking them to answer without myself saying a word and have gotten intelligent responses. Another cool example was I said "Whats your name?" reply "Walter" "Last name Walter?" reply "Phillips" "So Walter Phillips? reply "correct". I believe most of the time its somewhat random but I do believe spirits can manipulate the word bank. It's too coincidental sometimes to be giving such a direct answer based on how random the words are when not asking questions.

  8. First, let me say I am sorry for the loss of your brother.

    And I totally agree with you on the random words, but I to, have asked some direct questions and gotten what I feel is a direct response. I also agree with some of the random words being relatable to your life in some form or fashion. And the radar part of the app...well I don't know how much "stock" I put into it either, but regardless I feel that your phones could be manipulated and used as a form of communication.

    Since, I wrote this post, I have been "playing" with another app called Contact Paranormal Pro... It is an app that claims to utilize sensors and analytical information to create a physical word being written so that you can see it. Now, I paid the $3.99 for the unlimited version because I wanted to study and experiment with it a little more. And because I'm a little gullible, I guess. LOL But if noting is a little creepy because it sometimes draws pictures and watching it WRITE a word is just plain creepy!!! A couple of times I feel I have gotten direct responses and I have recorded on video those to post on my blog(and will be doing that shortly) and others well... I really couldn't make a connection with the word that was written. I am not promoting this app in any way but if you get a chance you might give it a try. They have a free trial version that includes like 50 words(with they call credits) I think.

    I want to thank you for your comment and taking the time to tell me about your experience with a phone app. Keep me updated on direct questions and answers. I am very interested!

  9. Thanks, its been devastating to our family but I personally have been using my spirituality to help ease the pain. And part of that is trying to communicate with him directly and to even just communicate with spirits in an effort to confirm in my own head the existence of the afterlife. One note of the afterlife with regards to the M2 app, I actually tend to ask the same couple of questions during each session and I probably use it everyday, one of those questions is "Are there spirits with me?" and "Is there an afterlife?" Note, I had been playing with it for months asking "yes" "no" type questions and had never once seen a reply with "Yes or No" until the first time I asked "Is there an afterlife?" and it directly responded "YES". I found that to be interesting. I asked further, "What are you?" and it replied "love" then "energy", with a few more names thrown in between. It was almost as if multiple spirits were fighting over responding, sometimes I feel like they get excited and you get a ton of words. I really keep these sessions to myself as most people are quick to call BS so videotaping is the best way to confirm things to others, I personally don't care about convincing anyone else what I'm experiencing.
    One other note, To try and debunk the app I was curious how it would react to places that more than likely spirits would have trouble communicating. The first place I thought of was when driving 60mph down the highway. Since I don't know or understand the "afterlife" perhaps my mortal thinking of the physical world does not apply to spirits and traveling fast would not affect them in the sense of how it would affect us but my experiences suggest it does make it more difficult. Almost everytime I try this and drive with it on I get zero words when moving but as soon as I'm at a light it acts up again, getting words like "wind" multiple times in a session. Found that interesting. One last experience I thought was cool was I was sitting at my desk doing some experiments with music. It seemed I was getting more activity when I would play music loudly. So I put on some Led Zeppelin and asked by writing down on paper "Can you hear this?" reply "energy","hear" immediately. For me, doing this makes me feel better and I really don't care about those who are quick to say its fake or a gimmick, the reality is we just don't know. Perhaps some software developer is out there laughing at us but I don't waste my time worrying about that because I see what I see and experience what I experience and furthermore can't figure out how a developer could creatively make the app react with such precision to direct questions. One thing about the EVP part of the app I noticed, if you shake the phone those little bars with the green yellow red colors go up and down and are directly connected, however, it does not affect the amount of words you get. But strangely when the phone is laying on a table completely still the bars still go up and down. I'd love to share my experiences with you so I will bookmark your blog.

  10. One more quick experience I just had...the best way to get intelligent responses is to ask them to repeat a word. I said "can you say the word "Love"? 3 words later it said "love"!!! One of the words was "Eminem" brother was a big Eminem fan...who knows? Do you think "Eminem" was part of the word bank? Strange.

  11. WOW!!! That is interesting. Eminem to me is not a common word. Are you getting those responses on the M2 GH app?

  12. I'm Shane , this type of spirit stuff really scares me I do not ever hardly speak of it bc I'm afraid that it is disrespecting spirits to provoke them or talk about them and it will upset them . But one night me and a friend were just hangin out at my apartment and for a laugh I downloaded ghost hunter lite and it was pretty entertaining until I started being a bit rude and started saying things like show yourself prove your here say something and the out of no where it said fear , then intelligence , then "SHANE" now I'm sorry I'm a 22 year old mam 6'4" 231lbs but that literally had me shaking and crying so bad I almost puked I threw my phone then killed the app and deleted it . Never again will I be that stupid .

  13. Shane, I will admit when I was playing around with my Ghost Hunter App it DID kinda freak me out to hear "Rebecca" come through!!! Then when it came on during the night was even more scary so I understand your fear. You know, ghost can do lots of things....move things....throw things...say things so that the human ear can even hear why should we doubt that a ghost or spirit could manipulate a little phone app as well. Right? Do doubt, some of the apps you run across are fake but there are a couple that I have found....that well lets say....make me believe it is possible to communicate through phone apps. Thank you for writing and telling me about your experience and being so honest about it.

  14. Sorry about the previous post. I used one yesterday and even though my dogs were right next to me I was freaked out. I work as a paramedic and I see and am around some scary stuff but this app knew what color clothes I had on and knew what I was looking at such as bathtub and bed etc. So I deleted it. If this were real wouldn't my dogs freak out also? Or is an animals sensitvity to the paranormal made up?

  15. Hi Robert. Which app did you try? And what a good question about the dogs reacting. HHHHUUUMMM....Pets and young children...yes are VERY sensitive to paranormal activity. The only explanation I might offer as to why the dogs didn't react is that if a spirit is communicating THROUGH a device, then maybe it is not "showing itself" to your dogs. Maybe it is using all it's energy to manipulate the app therefore it is NOT using it's energy to manifest. What do you think? I definitely think dogs have that 6th sense and see and hear thinks us humans can't.

  16. The app was called ghost detector, it has a picture of a little cartoon ghost. Either way it was an unsettling experience. Those "random" words hit too close to home and I had a feeling whatever was at the other end wasn't Casper. I've actually seen ghosts (I can share that with you later if you'd like) and this experience was on that level. I do think something "drops by" to visit us from time to time though because my dogs will run too random corners of the house barking like they just saw the mail man.

  17. Robert, I have used that one as well. I am still playing with several different ones before making a final decision on which ones are I feel could or couldn't be used for gathering evidence. But I do know that the Ghost Detector is one I have not ruled out as being useful. I would love to hear your story when you have the time. You can email me your story if you would like it to be more private at Have a great day!

  18. I have used Ghost Hunter M2. It does seem to work. I've seen the EMF readings and oddly enough the vocabulary. In my case I have gone into the basements of 2 buildings where manufacturing has taken place. In the first the words "Solder, Lead, & Education" came up. The area I was standing in was a hallway between the last modeling shop, where Solder and Lead are found, and classrooms where employee classes are taught. Event two was a different building. Amoung the words that came up was "Smoke." Looking up there was ventilation duct work. You could see smoke stains at all the joints as if there had been a fire there at one time.

    Next is the Old Idaho Pen where known activity has taken place.

  19. That is a great story! And you have to let me know about the Old Idaho Pen!!! I'll be dieing to know who that turns out. Yes. I think of all the apps I have tried I think the M2 is the best. I am trying several different ones and still undecided about them. I used the M2 just a couple of weeks ago at the Haunted Jefferson Hotel and found it to be VERY interesting that the ONLY time the M2 would say words was at the same time we were getting flashlight communication and the K-2 was going off. That seem to prove that the app was definitely picking up something the same time the other equipment was.

  20. Hello. My name is Tyler. I've had a good handful of paranormal instances in my life and I am a believer but also skeptical about certain things like apps that pick up ghost activity. Anyway.... I downloaded the ghost hunter m2 tonight and was messing around with it in my living room. One of the things I was doing was checking to see if iPhones (I have iPhone 5) could actually pick up emf's. turned it on and I know speakers give out high emf readings and I put the phone up to my living room tv and it automatically maxed out at 100. I moved it away and it dropped back to 4-5 and then I put it to the other side of the tv (where other speaker is and it went to 100 again. I move it away and drops way back down to 4-5. I then bring it in to daughters room and put it to her little tv and it went up to 80 instantly. Moved it away and it dropped. Went back out to living room and put it by tv again-100. So that is proof to me that it actually can read emf. During all this I didn't get any words until I got curious about the air conditioner that is running in my kitchen. I brought my phone right up to it in the cold air and I get my first word.... "Goosebumps". That was a pretty damn interesting choice of words while its placed in front of a running ac.

  21. One more thing I want to add/ask. This is Tyler again. So after my last post on here from like 15 minutes ago, I have been laying in bed watching the m2 app and I got a few more words. The first was "cable" and then "hairdryer" which was a little odd because my girlfriend whom is sleeping next to me is in cosmotology school and she has her hair dryer sitting next to our bedroom door. That was a bit interesting. The next part kind of creeped me out because every word I've had on here was in a guys voice. Then I randomly got "Maude" and I'm 95 percent sure it was in a girls voice on the app. That scared me a bit. Is anyone else having multi-sex answers coming to them? That was the only one that sounded like a girl and it was a girls name. I hope to hear from you guys soon. Thank you. Tyler.

  22. Tyler, thanks for sharing your experience with the M2. I DO think the M2 is the best app so far I have run across. I was taking a trip a couple months back and had my kitchen table full of things to take to the beach with me and decided to turn on the app and just let it set. Well for almost the whole first 30 mins it was I just asked out loud....if any spirit is around, can you please give me a word...and make it a word from something setting on my table. my surprise....after almost 30 mins of nothing suddenly it said.."ice chest". Now, that freaked me out...because I had a small "ice chest" setting on my table. What the heck? I didn't think "ice chest" was a common word just to spit out. I have had several experiences with this app that makes me stop and think....huuummmm As far as having a female voice, I have not had that experience since I have had the app for about a year. The voice that speaks the words has always been a man. And btw, I agree with you 100%.."goosebumps" is NOT a common word at all!!!! Are you saving your logs of EVP's on your phone? If you are, I might suggest on a piece of paper, make logs of the questions asked and the responses to see how many times the app SEEMS to make an accurate response. Another app that I have started playing around with is the Ghost Detector Pro. It has some potential to maybe be useful...still playing around with it though. Thanks again for sharing your experience. Becky

  23. I haven't recorded anything. It's just the guys voice that is programmed in the app (besides the one reply that sounded like a female) . I just got to work and was talking to the owner about the app and the stuff that went on with it last night and he got interested and bought the app. I told him about the "goosebumps" word and the other few that he had. A few minutes later he was running the app on his phone and his phone says- "goosebumps". Hmmmmm.

  24. Tyler maybe it said "goosebumps" again because you were talking about it to your boss. I can tell you mine has never said "goosebumps". LOL Keep me informed.

  25. This is Tyler again. So I'm having a lazy Sunday off work and watching ghost adventures and I decide to open my ghost hunting app up just cuz it was fitting. So this morning my girlfriend asks me if I left the freezer door on our fridge open and I haven't so I reply "no". She tells me that in the last day it's been opened and left open twice. I know it wasn't me and it wasn't her and it wasn't her 3 year old daughter or the cat. I check the fridge and the seal is good and tight and I open it to see if any food was pressing on it. Nothing. So.... Now I'm sitting here with the ghost app running and ten minutes - nothing. Then it says "cupboard" and a red light on the radar goes off where the kitchen is/would be. Then it say "food" and "dark". And red light goes off again in the same kitchen spot. Found it interesting. The freezer is a "cupboard" that holds "food" and it is in the "dark". And it's been being opened twice now for reasons I can't explain. What's your thoughts?

  26. And then just now I turned it on and said "is anyone here". It replied right away "Anton". I said "who is Anton" automatically it says "ghost". I'm kind of in awe.

  27. Wow! Isn't that cool? I know... I'm going to post a screen shot of some of the words that I recently got while I was visiting my grandfathers grave. As for your situation, just to test and make sure it isn't the magnetic strip on the freezer, I would ask the app if there is someone else in the house besides you, Tyler and your girlfriend that is trying to make themselves known. Ask them to open the freezer door. And make sure that no one goes into the room with the freezer. The app no doubt is VERY INTERESTING!!! Let me know how it goes...

  28. Hello Becky and everyone else! I have the Ghost detector pro; and it just won't keep quiet!We have a kettle that switches on and off occsionally, and our guest will switch it off if you ask it to! I ran the app during one of these experiences and the words tea came up, when I asked why it was doing it; it replied dangerous and brand (afrikaans for burn) rather interesting!!!now something even weirder..there is a camera and when the readings are at the right level, it prompts you to take a photo....I managed o capture two photos today, which include a whispy octopus like misty thing and another of a more orb like capture...this may be taking it too far....let me know if you would like to see them and I will share :) Wendy

  29. Are you kidding me Wendy!!! Yes I would love to see the pics. You can email them to me at I know, the more I use this app be more impressed I become.

  30. ok done in your inbox :)

  31. Have you received the mail Becky? I tried and it bounced. I tried another...if you have not received, send me a blank: and I will resend!

  32. I'm big into using my spirit box, and doing EVP sessions - it's a passion of mine! And I agree - when you get a response that you know is real it gives you the chills!! I've also had very intersting results with the M2 app :)

  33. btw the anonymous profile was all I could use lol. My name is Scott - u can contact me at: Love to discuss EVP's, P-SB7 spirit box use, and talk about anything about this amazing field!

  34. Hi Scott. Thank you for your comments. yes, spirit boxes are great!!! When you comment if you click on name/URL all you have to do is put your name in and don't have to fill in anything in the URL part. And sure ill be glad to email you. I talk with lots of people about paranormal

  35. I would love to hear about your favorite spirit box session Scott. Or anyone else that has had an experience with the spirit box.

  36. This is Tyler again. I haven't used my app recently but I am going to Sauk centre to stay at one of minnesotas known haunted hotels. It's called the Palmer house. It's an hour and a half from where I live so I'll be spending the night soon. I will be using the app and see if anything interesting comes up. If you get a chance check out the ghost adventures season 7 episode 4. The guys from the show investigated it. I know they are very melodramatic in the show but that doesn't mean I can't look past that and see the interesting evidence they do find. Pretty excited for my visit at the hotel.

  37. Tyler, I'm dying to know how did it go at the Palmer House? I have read and seen several shows on it and it looks like an awesome place to go! If you got any good pics I would love to see them. And of course, hear about your personal experiences and if the m2 caught anything. And btw....have a very Merry Christmas.

  38. Hey, it's Tyler. Sorry about the late reply. I still haven't made it to the Palmer house but it is still on my list of things to do in the near future. Been busy with working a lot and a baby on the way (middle of May). My goal is to visit there before the baby arrives because I know my hands will be very tied after the arrival date. Have a buddy that wants to go with and he doesn't believe in ghosts so it's that much better. I will be sure to update you after. I have this page in my "favorites" on my phone so I won't be forgetting. Happy hunting!

  39. Tyler....CONGRATS on the baby!!!! That is soooo exciting!! We are headed to a haunted house in Gainesville, Tx Friday for a LOCKDOWN. It should be pretty active I'm told. Listen, you take care of your and your new baby....and thanks for making me a favorite. And just so you know I will expect a picture of the baby...:)

  40. Tyler here. I ordered the SB7 spirit box on Sunday. Cannot wait for it to arrive. Has anyone else here used one and had any luck with them? They are a little on the pricey side so I sure hope it works as good as I'm hoping.

  41. Oh Tyler you will love the SB7!!! They are great! Takes a little while to adjust to what to listen to but once you do, they are very useful. Won't be long now.....and you'll be a new DAD!!! :)

  42. First night with the spirit box. Far from let down. But on edge. I don't know how to share my recordings with you. Any ideas and I'll do so. I got some interesting voices come thru but a little while ago things got scary. As clear as day I hear "hate you" in a guys voice. Loud and clear. Then about 40 seconds later the same voice comes back, loud and clear again. "I hate you". After reviewing I decide to talk to it and ask him why he hates me so much. He replies in the same clear class A voice- "you're done". I didn't notice it while recording, so again I ask why he hates me so. This time it was a bit more faint but still good enough to make out- he said "because". I wasn't expecting this solid of results. My ears still aren't trained good enough to pick it all up when it comes thru the speaker. I know that comes with time. I'd love to share these with you so you can see what happened tonight. Any skepticism I had about spirit boxes is gone.

  43. Tyler that is so cool! Well....not the part that the spirit hates you??? And yes, the more you use the spirit box the better you will get at receiving the messages. I wonder why it said "I hate you"?? Sometimes if you are not trying to communicate with a particular spirit, you may get someone that is a bit "grouchy". Did you ask for a name? Let me think about how you could send those to me, I would love to hear them.
    Tyler.... if you would, when you post a comment(even though I know who it is :) if you select under COMMENT AS: SELECT PROFILE...if you use the drop down arrow and select name/URL all you have to fill in is your name, don't fill anything in on the URL. That way your name will show up at the top of your posts. This might help others that would like to talk with you about the spirit box. One last thing...just as a precaution Tyler....before and after your spirit box sessions, do a protection prayer and ask that only good, and kind spirits come through for you and after your session, say that you appreciate the communication they had with you, but they need to stay where they are and not try to come with you. I know it sounds a little silly, but just make me feel better and try it.:)
    Keep me informed...:)

  44. i am a ghosts hello

  45. Hey , my name is Jake and I have come across this site. I've been using the Ghost Hunter M2 app for a while now and I was just sitting here with it on and it says "familyroom" which is where I was, and it also said "Marilyn" and there was a Marilyn Monroe picture in the family room, it's kind of freaky. I've seen ghosts since I was 5 and it's been really crazy.

  46. Hi Jake. Thanks for your comment. Yes, the M2 is fun to play with. A couple of times it has really freaked me out!!! I was packing for a trip and had camping stuff sitting on my table so I ask the M2 to name something on the table and it said....."ice chest"!!!!! Really!!!!!!!!! And several different times things like that have happened using the M2. Not saying it is 100% receiving messages from spirits and relaying them, but time will tell. :)

  47. Thanks for replying, Becky. It's been crazy with all of the paranormal in the world, especially when they can manipulate devices to say the things they want. Ghost Hunter M2 does spit out random words which annoys me sometimes, but it also if you're lucky says relevant things like your "ice chest" saying and my experience with it. I have the app on as I am typing this and it's crazy. Might sound weird but I want to be in a house where the ghosts are interactive, meaning they can make noises and such. The app said "tap" and I felt a tapping on my head, whoah! I'll let you know if anything else occurs :) -Jake

  48. Wow. That's crazy Jake. Let me know if anything else is happening and stay in touch. :)

  49. Jake again, Alright, so I was in my room to watch some Netflix and my door slams shut and the door knob rattles, I was kind of startled by it because I thought it was the ghost that has talked to me before. I was convinced it was my brother that did it because he was getting his dog around the time it happened. But a few mins ago as I post this, I heard a little girl laugh and hold hair on my neck which is still happening. It said "doctor" and I'm going to the eye doctor tomorrow for my new glasses as well. One thing though, I shook my iPod and it showed red letters in the EVP which means a spirit is trying to spell a word, so I shook it and it showed up the red letters so I'm not entirely convinced this is legit but it does have some accurate words popping up. Anything going on with you?

  50. Ghost Detector 2013 said Grapes and Hummus. I bought both those items at the supermarket last night and those items sit in my fridge. It scared the crap out of this big boy I had to turn it off! It is 338am that happened 3am. I want to have another go but im going to have a heart attack if it says something else that relates to me!!! Keep u posted!!

  51. LOL!!! That is wild Phil. I have experience similar things with the M2. Sometimes, it just freaks you out how it can give you words out of the blue that sooooo match what is going on. I'll be watching for your updates. :)

  52. Same here... I'll be waiting for your updates Phill :-)

  53. Hi everyone! My name is Anna and I want to share something with you. Maybe all those apps are the most sophisticated Ouija boards, maybe you can open the door which is very hard to close after. I am a paranormal enthusiast, like you.. I had in my life lots of strange, ghosts incidents and I was always eager to know more, learn more, feel more... So, I downloaded two apps: Ghost Hunter M2, and Echovox... guess what? I had intelligent respond and it's not was scared me, it was poltergeist who start it making noises at night and start to scared my family... foot steps, noises, feeling that something just sit at your bed.... I did white sage cleansing and its gone,but its like addiction,please be careful... next time you will invite demon, and on this time not gonna be that easy.... Anna

  54. Anna sorry for the delay in responding, I have been out of town for the past week. I want to thank you for sharing your story with us. Anytime you are trying to communicate with spirits through ANY devices you have to be careful! You are correct, sometimes you can invite things in that may not be so easy to get rid of. I am glad to hear that in your situation, you were able to get rid of the spirit.

    Thank you again for sharing with us.

  55. Hi Becky! I just found your blog when I was researching "The Best Ghost Apps". I did purchase the Ghost Hunter M2 and let me tell ya, it has been a very chatty Cathy! A lot of the words I can't make a connection with....pretty random. The very first word that came up was "Religion", and then" Military" and " phenomenon", "phenomenon" and " scared". Plus many others after! What was weird though, was when I went into the garage with my IPhone and it said "airplane". Sure enough, an airplane was flying over my house and it was loud! I came back in and went to the refrigerator and it said, "Ice". Kinda creepy, kinda fascinating. I do not know if this app is for real, but it is cool!
    Thanks! Darlene

  56. I know!! Right Darlene!!! It sometimes has really crazy things to come up and you wonder.....Wait was that REALLY random or did it really just say my name!!! lol Not to long ago...I was getting ready to go on a camping trip and I was sitting everything on my kitchen table. Just for fun....I turned on the M2 and just left it on for a while. I wasn't getting any words not even as I was packing I asked "so if anyone can see something that I have on my kitchen table"......TOTALLY expecting no reply...... But no!!! The word "ice chest" came up!!!! Are you kidding me!! I had a big red ice chest full of soft drinks on the table. "ice chest" a "common word"? Maybe..... but it sure did surprise me!!!! I can't say that I believe this is a "must have" but for has clearly peaked my "curiosity" enough to continue using it and taking with me on investigations. Thanks for sharing your story Darlene....:)

  57. Becky, I just downloaded the m2 app yesterday and have been experimenting with it. I was at my computer (on the Internet researching how to read the different tools on the app) and had it sitting on the said Internet. Then I was laughing at something on the computer and it said laugh. I'm very intrigued. My question to you is regarding the protection prayer. Can you give me a good protection prayer? does one inadvertently open a bad portal?? This is also something I'm seeking to avoid like the plague. I don't want to pick up anything that shouldn't be here. Thanks for your time!!! :)

  58. Krystle. That is pretty cool that it said "internet"! And "laugh"....huummm does make you wonder. If you don't mind, could you email me your email address at and I will send you a protection prayer. Also, we can talk about opening a portal by accident. And thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. :)

  59. Thanks for the response Becky! My email is I have had many unexplainable experiences throughout my life so far. I see shadows in my house, hear people talking (but just soft enough to not understand them), lived in an active home growing up, and my mother can see stuff too. My grandmother passed away may 1st. Since then my mother and I both saw (at the same time) a white figure in my mom's house. That's the first time I've seen a light figure.....they have always been dark shadows moving about. Enough rambling.......I look forward to hearing from you!

  60. why does my M2 app sometimes play thunder and lighting sounds?

    1. That is just the standard music for the app. You can go into your settings and turn off the sound,

  61. Ok. so I downloaded this Ghost Hunter Ap and it scared the dickens out of me. I didn't ask anything, just walked around my house and it would give me a word or phrase. the first word was "Start" when I just pushed the start button on my washer.... I dismissed it... thought it odd. Moved on. Then I later in my kitchen while preparing dinner I let it run. I looked down and it said "angry".. I scoffed and said quietly to myself "why on earth would you be angry"... then it said "attack"... I kinda looked at the ap funny and looked around nervously... the next word was "corner". I turned off the app as I was a little unnerved and frankly a little scared I was doing something that didn't feel right. The next morning I walked down the stairs and as I started out to the kitchen, a board with nails that was propped up against the wall IN THE CORNER slid down a couple of feet in front of me and landed right in front of me. I am a Christian and I realized at that moment I was dabbling in something that was NOT good. I deleted the APP and walked through my home, asking God to anoint and and protect my home. I will NOT be using any such app ever again. I believe spirits are real...and I personally don't think they are people that passed on, but instead are Demons. This is just my humble opinion and I'm not looking to anger anyone here, but I wouldn't feel right if I didn't put my experience and opinions out there.

  62. Anonymous, that is crazy about the app! I have used it several times and sometimes I am amazed at the words that come up! And I want to thank you for your option. Even though you and I may have different views on what "spirits" know that you can still express your views without ANY judgment or anger from me. We all see the world (and afterlife for that matter)in different ways, and I for one am glad. :) Heck, how boring would it be if everyone just liked chocolate ice-cream??? We would never have all the other awesome flavors like...vanilla, strawberry, rocky road...huuummm I have to stop now.....I think I'll go have some ice-cream..LOL

  63. holy crap.. im at work downloaded this thing.. Thinking to myself this is not real.. im reading your older posts and I get Monroe.. The following paragraph talked about Marilyn monroe.. I said nahh then it said girl.. i said ok ok.. maybe and right infront of my phone is a glass lotion bottle.. It said Glass... ok now im starting to believe this is true.. I am still learning how to use this app.. like i said i just downloaded it this morning.. im loving it though so far so good!


  64. Hey my name is Courtney and I just came across this site. Very interesting..I've been playing with the other world for about 10 years now and have a strong psychic ability and attract spirits so I believe I could possibly be a medium also. Anyway, I have had this app for a few years. My hubby came across it one night and we stayed up all night playing on was naming objects all around us. Still nothing totally validated anything that it wasn't a gimmick. One night I had it on by myself and it said Charles, thank, troubles...Charles is a ghost that I had picked up years ago on the ouija and he followed me since. He always let me know he was there. Anyway at this time I had never lost a close loved one so didn't have a close relative that I could communicate with. I ended up pregnant in 2014 and a week after I told my best friend she was found dead a week later. I named my child after her. Since that baby was born my grandaddy was getting sicker and closer to death. I found out I was pregnant a few months later, and was due a month before my newborns first birthday. During that year I lost my grandaddy. I named my son after him. I recently got back on my radar after not for two pregnancies..I'm sure you understand why..& have had the most valid proof this is all real. First names that came through were "Hubert" and Shelba, my grandaddys brother was Herbert and his wife Shelba. Those names are not in my phone and never texted about. I wasn't close to them and he passed 10 years ago. It then said Betsy, my granny is Betty so I asked if that's what he meant and it said Leon, his other brother. My mind is blown at this point. Next session I asked for Amber my best friend and the radar said John Taylor, her brothers full name, and then red truck which he drives. Then johnathan motel and he had gotten a motel that day. My grandaddy comes through the most.
    It has said my middle name, my granny's first and middle name, his name, the nickname he called me. No way it could be a gimmick.
    Sorry for the wordy post but I had to share.

  65. Courtney. WOW! And WOW!! Thank you for sharing your experience with me! I to, have had some pretty "interesting" things happen with the M2 or other apps. I know they are not held in high regard in the ghost hunting community. When guess what? I remember when almost NO ONE believed in ghosts! Now, look everything you watch on TV is about the paranormal. lol

    Thanks again, I loved your experience and it's stories like yours that gives these apps just a little more hope of someday being a useful tool in the paranormal world. :)

  66. Dahlia,

    LOL. Holy crap girl......look at the experiences you have had in just one day with the app!! :) Let me know if anything else happens with the app. I love hearing about others experiences. And thanks for reading my blog!!!

  67. Just an overseas perspective, I'm in Australia and I keep getting Dakota, South Hampshire, Belva Davis... all American places and American journalist not dead. So this seems random word base but I've had other strange things not so random... like when I turned it on it said "frank" "outside" yup my dad Frank who lives with me was not home. It said "Brian" then and he'd just died (my fathers cousin). It then said David (his cousin) and Rose (his aunt). It said Enoch when held my son (his name is Caine and Enoch was the son of Cain in the bible). My mother died this year and when I asked if she loved me it said "angel" "star" I asked who it was again to be sure and to say Bev or BJ if it's her and it said "Beth". It said "many" when I asked who was there. So random and freaky!

  68. Just an overseas perspective, I'm in Australia and I keep getting Dakota, South Hampshire, Belva Davis... all American places and American journalist not dead. So this seems random word base but I've had other strange things not so random... like when I turned it on it said "frank" "outside" yup my dad Frank who lives with me was not home. It said "Brian" then and he'd just died (my fathers cousin). It then said David (his cousin) and Rose (his aunt). It said Enoch when held my son (his name is Caine and Enoch was the son of Cain in the bible). My mother died this year and when I asked if she loved me it said "angel" "star" I asked who it was again to be sure and to say Bev or BJ if it's her and it said "Beth". It said "many" when I asked who was there. So random and freaky!

  69. Danielle,

    At first paranormal investigators said that "phone apps" were not reliable when used as a device to communicate with spirits. My thought has always been that if a spirit can move things, turn on and off a flashlight, come in through a Spirit Box then WHY couldn't they communicate through your phone??? I have noticed that even the newer paranormal shows on TV are using apps. HHUUUUMMM go figure. LOL I can say that I have used an app as well as an other communication devices and gotten the very same result at the very same time. Thanks for your comment and keep us informed of anything else you experience. Thanks. Becky


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