I wanted to do a re-post on the Mills Cemetery just because I really like this place and I really liked the spirits I encountered here. Also, it reminded me of the devastation that Canton, Tx experienced this last week-end. The small community of Canton which is about an hour East of Dallas was destroyed by an F4 Tornado which stayed on the ground for 51 miles!!! In its path it crossed the small town as well as a major highway where cars were completely caught off guard.
This is a small community with limited resources so please if you can find a way to help the people of Canton, please do and keep them in your prayers.
To donate
This is a small community with limited resources so please if you can find a way to help the people of Canton, please do and keep them in your prayers.
To donate
The Mills Cemetery, Garland, Tx
The Smiley's
As I got out my equipment, I began walking across the cemetery and found the Smiley site fairly easy. Now, let me tell you what I have heard about the Smiley family. One story is...... that Mr. Smiley went crazy and killed his entire family then himself and now he wonders the cemetery at night looking for his next victim. Another story is that if you lay down on the ground in front of the headstone on Halloween you won't be able to get up or you will feel Mr. Smiley grabbing you trying to pull you down. And then there is the story.....that back on May 9, 1927 the Smiley family came to their untimely death when a tornado tore through Garland which was devastating and is now referred to as the great "Garland Cyclone". Seventeen people were dead and five of them from the same family......The Smiley's.

So I sat my recorder and flashlight on top of the tombstone and sat down in front of the Smiley's with my Dr. Pepper in hand and began just talking to the family. I had EXCELLENT flashlight communication and not anything I think is really to impressive on EVP's but I am going to go over my data again and will let you know if I find something else. Here is a brief clip of my flashlight session with THE GIRLS(daughters). Now, I don't want to hear ONE comment on the singing..... It was just me and the girls at this point....I wanted to do something with JUST them because I feel maybe lots of questions are directed to Mr. and Mrs. Smiley. I did ask Mr. Smiley if it "upset him" about the things written about him and I even read him three articles written on his family. The response was very clearly a "YES" it upset him about the bad things he had supposedly done. I also found out Mrs. Smiley is VERY close to her daughters and loves to cook. :)

Rest in Peace and thanks for the visit.
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