So, we all remember when we were growing up having friends over and trying to think of something to do. Usually, you were just sitting around and without fail.......someone would say...."I know....lets have a Séance!!!" And that's it!!! Everyone jumps up and says "YES....get the Ouija Board!!!"
You run to the table, and everyone grabs a chair and picks their spot, and you put the Ouija Board in the middle. "Everyone ready?" "YES... YES.....turn the lights off". You have the candles lite and everyone puts their fingertips on the little pointer....."Ok.....who do we want to contact?" Everyone is talking at the same time and names of different people are thrown out ........ names of loved ones, friends, actors, actresses, famous people you name it....everyone is talking at once trying to come up with someone COOL to talk to. So, finally you decide.................. the spirit you are going to connect ELVIS!!!!!! LOL..... Don't know you did it at one time or another......Yeah that's who it's going to be!!!! So everyone gets really, really quite.......and with their fingertips lightly placed on the start asking questions.....ELVIS....are you here??? And slowly the pointer starts moving... the letter Y....then to the letter E...and the letter S! By now, everyone is accusing everyone else of purposely moving the pointer. Even on the first question.....everyone is adamantly denying they are NOT moving the pointer!!! Now, the really smart kids....."THERE OUT"!!! DONE!!! But not the rest.....they just start asking more and more questions as the pointer moves around to the different letters to spell out the answer to their question.
With Halloween coming up, I hear..."Ouija Board" coming up more and more often.
A Ouija Board, by definition is a piece of wood bearing the letters of the alphabet that is used as a tool to make contact with the spirit world. Sitters place their fingers lightly on the pointer for by which the spirits can spell out messages on the board. This is the most controversial methods of spirit communication because in untrained hands it is believed to attract evil spirits. Critics say that not only is the Ouija Board dangerous because it can attract evil entities but also because users have know control over repressed material that might be released during a session.
The Ouija Board which is now marketed as "a game" by Parker Brothers, has been so successful as "a game" that it has sold more than the common staple game.....Monopoly.

Ok... so here's the question.....Is the Ouija Board a harmless toy or a way to communicate with the dead? Well, that is for you to decide, but sinse this is my blog you know I'm going to give you my opinion. LOL
Let me see how to say this so that you understand where I stand on this.............DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!
I am NOT a fan of the Ouija Board and I'll tell you me.......when start calling in spirits through a Ouija Board you are just asking for trouble. You really have no control over WHO decides to communicate. It's kinda like.....well let me say it like this.....if you fill up a big black bag full of different colored marbles.....and you close your eyes and reach in the bag hoping to pull out JUST the green marble........well what are your chances you WILL get the green marble? Not very good. Even though your intent is to pull out the green one, that may not be the one you get. Anyway, for me....this is just something I am NOT willing to chance!!! You have no control over WHO or WHAT kind of spirit you may call up. I believe that sometimes.....not always.....that more dominate spirits come through or the evil spirits take over. Even in the afterlife, there are spirits that are just more intimidating and dominating than others and the gentler spirits back away from them. Sometimes, I think they may even be SCARED of them. How many times have you been in a haunted location and you have communication with a spirit that tells you about another spirit that is EVIL or BAD? Pretty commend I would think.....
I feel you have to REALLY KNOW your stuff before you attempt to use a Ouija Board....I am just NOT comfortable using it. In my OWN little ghost hunters could possibly call up an evil spirit that COULD..... not saying it WOULD.....just saying it COULD attach itself to you because your touching the actual "opening to the portal" with your fingertips and who knows.....they may come right through and right through your fingertips and enter your body or attach itself. I know...I know....not everyone thinks like me....but this is my opinion. And I know it sounds a little know........I AM a GHOST CRAZY I'm used to!!!! LOL So, if you DO decide you are going to use a Ouija Board.....please just make me feel better and say a little protection prayer. Just stay safe this Halloween....OK.
If you HAVE used a Ouija Board I would LOVE to hear about your experience....if NOT....what is your opinion on this...Should you or Shouldn't you???????
You run to the table, and everyone grabs a chair and picks their spot, and you put the Ouija Board in the middle. "Everyone ready?" "YES... YES.....turn the lights off". You have the candles lite and everyone puts their fingertips on the little pointer....."Ok.....who do we want to contact?" Everyone is talking at the same time and names of different people are thrown out ........ names of loved ones, friends, actors, actresses, famous people you name it....everyone is talking at once trying to come up with someone COOL to talk to. So, finally you decide.................. the spirit you are going to connect ELVIS!!!!!! LOL..... Don't know you did it at one time or another......Yeah that's who it's going to be!!!! So everyone gets really, really quite.......and with their fingertips lightly placed on the start asking questions.....ELVIS....are you here??? And slowly the pointer starts moving... the letter Y....then to the letter E...and the letter S! By now, everyone is accusing everyone else of purposely moving the pointer. Even on the first question.....everyone is adamantly denying they are NOT moving the pointer!!! Now, the really smart kids....."THERE OUT"!!! DONE!!! But not the rest.....they just start asking more and more questions as the pointer moves around to the different letters to spell out the answer to their question.
With Halloween coming up, I hear..."Ouija Board" coming up more and more often.
A Ouija Board, by definition is a piece of wood bearing the letters of the alphabet that is used as a tool to make contact with the spirit world. Sitters place their fingers lightly on the pointer for by which the spirits can spell out messages on the board. This is the most controversial methods of spirit communication because in untrained hands it is believed to attract evil spirits. Critics say that not only is the Ouija Board dangerous because it can attract evil entities but also because users have know control over repressed material that might be released during a session.
The Ouija Board which is now marketed as "a game" by Parker Brothers, has been so successful as "a game" that it has sold more than the common staple game.....Monopoly.
Ok... so here's the question.....Is the Ouija Board a harmless toy or a way to communicate with the dead? Well, that is for you to decide, but sinse this is my blog you know I'm going to give you my opinion. LOL
Let me see how to say this so that you understand where I stand on this.............DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!
I am NOT a fan of the Ouija Board and I'll tell you me.......when start calling in spirits through a Ouija Board you are just asking for trouble. You really have no control over WHO decides to communicate. It's kinda like.....well let me say it like this.....if you fill up a big black bag full of different colored marbles.....and you close your eyes and reach in the bag hoping to pull out JUST the green marble........well what are your chances you WILL get the green marble? Not very good. Even though your intent is to pull out the green one, that may not be the one you get. Anyway, for me....this is just something I am NOT willing to chance!!! You have no control over WHO or WHAT kind of spirit you may call up. I believe that sometimes.....not always.....that more dominate spirits come through or the evil spirits take over. Even in the afterlife, there are spirits that are just more intimidating and dominating than others and the gentler spirits back away from them. Sometimes, I think they may even be SCARED of them. How many times have you been in a haunted location and you have communication with a spirit that tells you about another spirit that is EVIL or BAD? Pretty commend I would think.....
I feel you have to REALLY KNOW your stuff before you attempt to use a Ouija Board....I am just NOT comfortable using it. In my OWN little ghost hunters could possibly call up an evil spirit that COULD..... not saying it WOULD.....just saying it COULD attach itself to you because your touching the actual "opening to the portal" with your fingertips and who knows.....they may come right through and right through your fingertips and enter your body or attach itself. I know...I know....not everyone thinks like me....but this is my opinion. And I know it sounds a little know........I AM a GHOST CRAZY I'm used to!!!! LOL So, if you DO decide you are going to use a Ouija Board.....please just make me feel better and say a little protection prayer. Just stay safe this Halloween....OK.
If you HAVE used a Ouija Board I would LOVE to hear about your experience....if NOT....what is your opinion on this...Should you or Shouldn't you???????
To say Ouija and talking boards are only for "bad spirits" is a smack in the face to the pioneers of ghost hunting who didn't have EVP machines, Thermal imaging and video cameras 100 years ago. Why would a bad spirit know how to use an ouija but not an EVP machine or take over a "medium". Bias, bias views when it comes to talking boards.
Well I don't believe I said Ouija Boards are ONLY for "bad spirits". But do I think you run the risk of having a "bad spirit" come through....yes I do. And as far as I know, "ghost hunters" did not use Ouija Boards 100 of years ago. They used lots of different methods but I don't believe that a Board was one of their Base tools. And I apologize if I offended you with my views, that was not my intent. But for is something I would not want to chance.
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