Your sitting in your favorite comfy chair....curled up with your favorite blanket and book when all the sudden you smell cigar smoke! Where in the heck is that coming from???? I'm not smoking and there is no one here with me.....hhhhuuummmm That smells just like the cigar that my husband used to smoke......but that can't be possible because he's been dead over 10 years!
This is the nature of a certain type of activity commonly referred to as a perfume ghost. Even though the term has the word perfume in it, the actual smell does not have to be that of a ladies perfume (though sometimes it is). It refers more to a particular smell that is thought to be caused by a specific ghostly presence.
While those cases are thought to be caused by a specific ghost there is also a phenomena that does carry a distinction and would not be labeled a perfume ghost. The difference is that these smells appear to have more to do with being types of residual imprints left in the area at some time in the locations past. No actual 'ghost' is associated with these smells though an incident in the locations past may be the culprit.
And then again, some smells are just like the residual is an imprint on a location. Like, you are investigating an old hotel and people say they smell tobacco pipe. Does that mean there is a spirit present that used to smoke a pipe trying to make themselves known? Not necessarily. It could just be a residual smell from the room where lots of gentlemen used to smoke. Not necessarily that a ghost is trying to communicate.
No doubt, sometimes, determining if the smell is JUST an imprint on a room or if is it someone actually trying to make their presence known can be tricky. Helpful hint** If you are going to be doing an investigation, DO NOT wear perfume, hairspray, or bathe in scented bath soaps. This way, when you are on location, any scents you smell, hopefully you can make a determination to whether they are residual or a spirit trying to make themselves known.
Happy hunting everybody!!!!! :)
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